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Our Directors


Shamsher B. Tandon has a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering from Drexel University in Philadelphia. After working in a chemical company for 11 years as a chemical operator, Tandon began buying apartment houses in the University City area of West Philadelphia and managing them alongside his wife, Bajendra Tandon.

Now, he promotes Vivo-Forto, the "life-force," furthering a worldwide understanding of One Ultimate Reality.

Shamsher B. Tandon



Bajendra Tandon

Bajendra Tandon completed her Masters Degree in History from Lucknow University in India. She was a double gold medalist, securing the highest marks in the subject “Constitution.” She taught history first as a lecturer, and then as a Professor, and finally as the Head of the Department of History at the Khalsa College for Women at the University of Punjab.


Pax Tandon is a Director of Vivo-Forto, and an author, filmmaker, media personality, wellness advocate, and teacher. Her debut book, Mindfulness Matters, was recently published to high ac-claim, garnering medals in the “Best Self-Help and Personal Growth” category from the Inde-pendent Publisher Book Awards, and The Coalition of Visionary Resources “Visionary Awards.” She also recently completed work on the Mindfulness Matters short film, which she co-produced, co-wrote, voiced and starred in. It is currently making its way through the film fes-tival circuit, having already screened at the West Chester Film Festival where it was nominated for an award in the “Best Pennsylvania Filmmaker” category, and The Women’s Film Festival, where it was an official selection and Pax was invited to participate in a panel discussion along-side other filmmakers.

Pax Tandon




Sukhendu Roy Chowdhury


Presently working as the India co-ordinator of Vivo-Forto. After completing his graduation, he worked with Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Vivekananda Kendra in Kanyakumari and Hyderabad. He also devoted four years of his life to voluntary work at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram (Delhi Branch, India).

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