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Overlooked No More: S.N. Goenka, Who Brought Mindfulness to the West

In 1955, Satya Narayan Goenka, a successful Burmese industrialist, began experiencing intense migraine headaches. Conventional medicine didn’t provide relief, so, at the suggestion of a friend, he sought out a meditation teacher.

April 3, 2019


Prize-winning physicist believes science, spirituality are linked

CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa. (CNS) — A Dartmouth College cosmologist and theoretical physicist, who considers himself a religious agnostic even though he has devoted his career to examining the links between science, philosophy and spirituality in exploring the mystery of creation, is the 2019 Templeton Prize winner.

March 19, 2019


Ralph Metzner, LSD and Consciousness Researcher Dies at 82

Ralph Metzner, a psychotherapist who began his career working with Timothy Leary on controversial studies at Harvard involving LSD and other drugs, then spent a lifetime exploring and writing about expanded consciousness in all sorts of cultures and settings, died on March 14 at his home in Sonoma, Calif.

April 4, 2019.


Reversing the Damage of a Stroke

For one patient, a decade of recovery took determination, persistence and the courage to weather repeated setbacks.

July 1, 2019


Rohit Khanna

From Council Rock to Congress: Philly-born Ro Khanna is saving U.S. foreign policy from itself

May 2, 2019


S N Goenka's Speech at the United Nation

Religion is religion only when it unites Friends. Leaders of the human spiritual world. Leaders of the human religious world.

August 29, 2000


Supplements Won't Prevent Dementia

Supplements Won’t Prevent Dementia. But These Steps Might.


The Breath Escape Practice for Cultivating Mindfulness

A 20-minute meditation from Jon Kabat-Zinn to allow you to tap into your capacity to be in touch with your experience, and be awake and aware with no agenda other than to be awake and aware. There is no question that mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom are more important than ever before—even though the essence of mindfulness is and has always been timeless, having to do with our relationship to this moment and to any moment as it is, however it is.

July 31, 2018


The Housecleaning Job That Saved My Life

My client knew she was dying. She helped me figure how to live.


The Relentlessness of Modern Parenting

Raising children has become significantly more time-consuming and expensive, amid a sense that opportunity has grown more elusive.

Dec. 15, 2019


Trauma and Poverty are Linked to Mental Illness

Among Philly kids, trauma and poverty are linked to mental illness, learning problems and more, Penn study finds

Jun 10, 2019


Voorhees Residents Weigh in on an International ‘think tank’ for Religious Peace in their Backyard

The fate of a self-made millionaire’s dream of creating an academic hub, or ashram, in Voorhees for scholars and scientists to study solutions to religious conflict was being debated late Thursday before the township’s zoning board.

April 11, 2019


Want to help thousands of people but don’t have the Rockefeller bucks to day it

When she was in third grade, Quinn Donover painted a nutty-looking orange cat with yellow eyes and purple-splotched fur, set against a multicolored backdrop of swirls and streaks so frenetic they seem to jiggle on the canvas.

Dec. 7, 2018


What to Eat to Save the Planet

What to eat to save the planet: Report urges 'radical changes' to world's diet -- less meat, more veggies

Jan. 16, 2019


When Stress at Work Creates Drama

The spillover effect can jeopardize relationships—here’s what you can do if hard times on the job change how you behave during off-hours

July 15, 2019


Why Berries are Good

What can we eat to protect our brains? Dr.Martha Clare Morris, the nation’s foremost expert on nutrition and brain health, outlines her recommendations in her latest book, Diet for the MIND: The Latest Science on What to Eat to Prevent Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Decline. In this exclusive excerpt, she describes how berries can provide protection from cognitive decline.

Dec. 28, 2017


Yoga, Meditation and lots of Coffee

[NEW YORK] Dr. Deepak Chopra, the alternative medicine and New Age megastar, spends his Sundays meditating, walking and contemplating life. "Sunday is a day of reset

Dec. 31, 2019


You Should Meditate Everyday

Sure, it’s become a wellness fad. But it’s the best way I’ve found to keep digital monsters at bay.

Jan. 9, 2019

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