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23 Ways to Boost Your Brain

23 Ways to Boost Your Brain and Keep Your Mind Sharp at Any Age

Oct. 2, 2015


2Could Humans Live to 500 Years

Scientists believe genetic tweaks could significantly extend our lifespan

Jan. 2019


2Dementia May Never Improve

He was a retired factory worker, living with his wife outside a small town in Wales, in the United Kingdom. Once outgoing and sociable, engaged in local activities including a community choir, he’d been jolted by a diagnosis of early dementia.

Jan. 4, 2019


2For Chest Pain Not Caused by a Heart Attack

If you feel chest pain, get to a doctor fast. Nothing you’re about to read below should dissuade you from that common-sense advice.

Jan. 7, 2019


2How Weight Training Changes the Brain

Weight training may have benefits for brain health, at least in rats. When rats lift weights, they gain strength and also change the cellular environment inside their brains, improving their ability to think, according to a notable new study of resistance training, rodents and the workings of their minds.

July 24, 2019


2Need healthy eating tips? Try shopping with a doctor at local grocery stores

It wasn’t what you might expect to see in a grocery store: a doctor in a white coat leading a group of shoppers through the aisles, talking about diet, food choices, and supplements. But there was Adam B. Kaufman, a gastroenterologist at Lankenau Medical Center in Wynnewood, at a Whole Foods fielding questions on how to get kids to eat more vegetables, which fats are healthy fats, and whether there are advantages to using dietary supplements.

Dec. 25, 2019


2Sugary Drinks Linked to Cancer..

A new study suggests there may be a link between the consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks and fruit juices and the development of cancer.

July 10, 2019


2The Doctor Will See You Now

One physician's candid reflections on a life in the field

April 2018.


2Tips for a Healthier You

Whatever your style when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, there’s one thing science can say for certain: Small changes can have a big impact.

Jan. 14, 2019


2What Are the Effects of Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

Q. What are the effects of vitamin B12 deficiency if left untreated?

Nov. 30, 2018


2When 'Bad'Cholesterol Gets too Low...

LDL levels below 70 were tied to an increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

July 8, 2019


6 ways to let go in 2019 to make room for what you really want

What do you want your 2019 to look like? Do you want to do more volunteer work?

Dec. 26, 2018


A Philly Plumber Found a Bag of Items Stolen 20 Years Ago Inside a Wall. Then, He Found its Owner.

When union plumber Lou DiOrio found a duffel-size Merrill Lynch bag inside a wall while working at a Center City construction site Friday, his mind couldn’t help but wander.

Jan. 9, 2019


Accepting Alzheimer's one lost memory at a time

With a slow moving disease like Alzheimer’s, there’s still time for doubt. Perhaps the diagnosis is wrong and the memory holes and struggle for words are just normal aging. Deep in your psyche, there’s still a little spark of hope. But there comes a moment when denial is no longer an option. Like Alzheimer’s itself, the moment creeps up slowly, taking care to not give away too much too soon. My moment came recently, as I was walking past the Bucks County Playhouse in downtown New Hope, Pa. I correctly remembered that my husband, Tim, and I recently saw a show there. I even remembered who went with us. But I had no recollection of what show I had seen. Tim reminded me that it was “Guys and Dolls,” but the memory wasn’t there. No songs, no story, no scenes.

Dec. 5, 2018


America Needs More Mental Health Providers

Nurses want to help, if states let them


Doctors’ Doubts Knock Down Coconut Oil Prices

HONG KONG—Prices of coconut oil have dropped by more than half over the past year as the commodity, which is high in saturated fat, has fallen out of favor in kitchens and factories. The health benefits of coconut oil have been challenged in recent years by the American Heart Association and other organizations and that has hurt demand.

Jan. 7, 2019


E-Cig Users Want to Quit

More than half of e-cig users want to quit, Rutgers study finds

May 27, 2019


Eat Your Veggies: Study Finds Poor Diets Linked to One in Five Deaths

The global health study covered data from 1990 to 2017 across 195 countries.

April 3, 2019


Everyday Improvements You Can Make Right Now to Boost Your Brain Health and Extend Your 'Mindspan'

Hear “healthy heart” and you might think cholesterol, blood pressure…oughta hit the gym.

July 12


Girl Scouts continues to build strong women leader

Last week, America celebrated Women's Entrepreneurship Day to recognize the women innovators who have created startups, driven economic growth, and advanced communities' participation in the economy.

Nov. 27, 2018

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