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Yoga, Meditation and lots of Coffee

Alix Strauss

[NEW YORK] Dr. Deepak Chopra, the alternative medicine and New Age megastar, spends his Sundays meditating, walking and contemplating life. "Sunday is a day of reset. It's not a day of obligations," he said. "There's nothing that important if you miss it." For the past five years Chopra, 72, and his wife of 48 years, Rita, 70, have lived in a luxury green apartment, complete with vitamin-filtered showers and antimicrobial coating on high-touch areas, in Union Square, Manhattan.

You Should Meditate Every Day

Because I live in Northern California, where this sort of thing is required by local ordinance, I spent New Year’s Day at a meditation center, surrounded by hundreds of wealthy, well-meaning, Patagonia-clad white people seeking to restore order and balance to their tech-besotted lives.

In the past, I might have mocked such proceedings, but lately I’ve grown fond of performative sincerity in the service of digital balance. It’s the people who haven’t resigned themselves to meditation retreats who now make me most nervous, actually....

Mastering the Art of Meditation

Ashley B. Greenblat

How mighty is your mind? Being “fit” is often thought of in purely physical terms, with big biceps and a tight tummy indicative of good health. But brain power is needed, as well. The brain is a complex organ, yet in a lot of ways, it’s similar to the muscles we train at the gym. It requires repetitions to strengthen and sharpen core skills, as well as rest and recovery to heal.  When muscles tire and fatigue, we stretch. Your brain also needs to release stress and tension from overstimulation. It  takes only 10 minutes a day to relieve and recharge your mind from its heavy workload. In this short period of time you can increase your clarity, productivity, reduce stress and improve your overall ability to function. Try these simple steps to become a master mediator:   

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