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501 (c) 3 non-profit organization

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It is the mission, duty and purpose of Vivo-Forto is to address, educate, coordinate, and provide training

on the practice of mindfulness on a local and global level. 

Our Mission


We at Vivo-Forto believe in life support. That is, that the main purpose of life is to support life. We currently live in a world where human-driven  violence, addiction, waste, and pollution needlessly and senselessly threaten and destroy life, driving many species to extinction. We humans will be next - our own undoing - if we don’t immediately commit to affirming life, both mentally and physically. 


In order to do this, we need to figure out the ideal conditions to help life survive and thrive.  These ideal conditions include: clean air, clean water, nutritious food, healthy relationships, productive exercise, secular (liberated of intermediaries) work-outs for the brain, adequate sleep, limited imbibing of medicines, autonomy from addictions, abstention from overeating, and resilience - that is, the ability to adapt effectively and efficiently work through life’s challenges as they inevitably unfold, without shutting down, losing self-control (leading to aggression and violence), or turning to coping mechanisms that lead to addictions. 

Mental practices like mindfulness have proven their value in acting as interventions on all of the above conditions - supporting optimal states of being, and undercutting unproductive and harmful ones.


Achieving these ideals requires dedicated individuals who are willing to invest in our future generations and join Vivo-Forto in teaching the science and practice of mindfulness to the world. We place emphasis on children, as they will be the greatest beneficiaries of these skills and tools, while their brains are plastic enough to wire optimally, and before their lives take turns that are increasingly more challenging to recover from.

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VIVO-FORTO seeks out opportunities for community outreach through our ambassador program which involves sending ambassador (s) to fulfill our mission of raising awareness and funds for mindfulness. The majority of these ambassadors will be retirees and other senior citizens who can volunteer their time for this important initiative.


At times, per the discretion of the board of directors, we may provide internships or volunteer opportunities which will provide opportunities for involvement in outreach activities and programs in order to have a greater impact for change.


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There is No Safe Level of Alcohol Consumption

by Mari A Schaefer and Rita Giordano

If you were thinking of meeting up with friends after work for happy hour, think again.

A new global study from the British Journal of Lancet found that the safest level of drinking was none.

The study, published Thursday, analyzed data from the 2016 Global Burden of Disease Report to determine levels of alcohol use and its health effects in 195 countries for males and females ages 15 to 49 between 1990 to 2016. Researchers found alcohol use was the leading risk factor for death and disability and accounted for nearly 10 percent of annual global deaths — about 2.8 million annually.

You Should Meditate Every Day

Because I live in Northern California, where this sort of thing is required by local ordinance, I spent New Year’s Day at a meditation center, surrounded by hundreds of wealthy, well-meaning, Patagonia-clad white people seeking to restore order and balance to their tech-besotted lives.

In the past, I might have mocked such proceedings, but lately I’ve grown fond of performative sincerity in the service of digital balance. It’s the people who haven’t resigned themselves to meditation retreats who now make me most nervous, actually....

How to Get Well, Stay Well and Never be Sick Again

by Raymond Francis

One day Raymond Francis, a chemist and a graduate of MIT, found himself in a hospital, battling for his life. The diagnosis: acute chemical hepatitis, chronic fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivities, and several autoimmune syndromes, causing him to suffer fatigue, dizziness, impaired memory, heart palpitations, diarrhea, numbness, seizures and numerous other ailments. Knowing death was imminent unless he took action, Francis decided to research solutions for his disease himself. His findings and eventual recovery led him to conclude that almost all disease can be both prevented and reversed...

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Must Read


Mindfulness Matters: A Guide to Mastering Your Life

Pax Tandon

Get the insider's scoop on how to attain a fully flourishing life. Encompassing deep dives into mind, body, and spirit, you will be introduced to the science of positive psychology, engage with the practice of mindfulness, learn how to build an optimally efficient body, and commit to an elevation of your spirit. This is flourishing in action!


Whether struggling with anxiety or depression, searching to fill a missing void, or just interested in everyday self-care, you will learn to identify opportunities for growth and seamlessly integrate life-changing practices into daily habits.


Replete with powerful affirmations and practice exercises throughout, you will be able to build the framework that fuels and furthers your evolutionary journey for years to come and changes the trajectory of your life forever.

"This book spoke to me on so many levels. The more I read the more I worked within myself.
Her talks of not living to far into the past or
future, but remain present really hit me"

“If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.”

Dalai Lama

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